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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

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Table of Contents
Volume 65, Issue 6, pp. 1839-2198

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Channel Formation in Gels

N. G. Cogan and James P. Keener

pp. 1839-1854

Force Density Function Relationships in 2-D Granular Media

Robert C. Youngquist, Philip T. Metzger, and Kelly N. Kilts

pp. 1855-1869

A School-Oriented, Age-Structured Epidemic Model

Viggo Andreasen and Thomas Frommelt

pp. 1870-1887

Wavelet Mie Representations for Solenoidal Vector Fields with Applications to Ionospheric Geomagnetic Data

Thorsten Maier

pp. 1888-1912

Retrieving Topological Information for Phase Field Models

Qiang Du, Chun Liu, and Xiaoqiang Wang

pp. 1913-1932

The Focus-Center-Limit Cycle Bifurcation in Symmetric 3D Piecewise Linear Systems

Emilio Freire

pp. 1933-1951

On a Mathematical Model of the Productivity Index of a Well from Reservoir Engineering

Akif Ibragimov, Dinara Khalmanova, Peter P. Valko, and Jay R. Walton

pp. 1952-1980

Webster's Horn Equation Revisited

Sjoerd W. Rienstra

pp. 1981-2004

Revealing Pairwise Coupling in Linear-Nonlinear Networks

Duane Q. Nykamp

pp. 2005-2032

Mathematical Analysis of the Generalized Natural Modes of an Inhomogeneous Optical Fiber

E. M. Kartchevski, A. I. Nosich, and G. W. Hanson

pp. 2033-2048

Inverse Medium Scattering Problems for Electromagnetic Waves

Gang Bao and Peijun Li

pp. 2049-2066

Stimulus-Locked Traveling Waves and Breathers in an Excitatory Neural Network

Stefanos E. Folias and Paul C. Bressloff

pp. 2067-2092

Energy Maximizers, Negative Temperatures, and Robust Symmetry Breaking in Vortex Dynamics on a Nonrotating Sphere

Chjan C. Lim

pp. 2093-2106

Reconstruction of a Small Inclusion in a Two-Dimensional Open Waveguide

Habib Ammari, Ekaterina Iakovleva, and Hyeonbae Kang

pp. 2107-2127

Transport of Nutrients in Bones

Guillermo H. Goldsztein

pp. 2128-2140

Field-Induced Motion of Nematic Disclinations

Paolo Biscari and Timothy J. Sluckin

pp. 2141-2157

Slow Passage through Resonance for a Weakly Nonlinear Dispersive Wave

Sergei Glebov, Oleg Kiselev, and Vladimir Lazarev

pp. 2158-2177

Instability of the Ionospheric Plasma: Modeling and Analysis

Christophe Besse, Jean Claudel, Pierre Degond, Fabrice Deluzet, Gérard Gallice, and Christian Tessieras

pp. 2178-2198